Another Wolfcop review by Bobby Blakey

There are movies that come along that are just too ridiculously awesome in title and concept that you can’t help but want to see it. This was the case with 2014s Wolfcop which brought all the insanity and fun you could ask for and more. Now director Lowell Green is returning to his hit franchise for the next installment aptly titled Another Wolfcop starring Leo Fafard, Amy Matysio, Jonathan Cherry, Serena Miller, Yannick Bisson and Silent Bob himself Kevin Smith. Could this latest chapter offer up more of the same fun and gore or will it finally be time to hang up his badge?
Another Wolfcop follows alcoholic werewolf cop Lou Garou who springs into action when an eccentric businessman with evil intentions seduces Woodhaven’s residents with a new brewery and hockey team in this outrageous horror-comedy sequel. From the first sequence you know it is going to be another insane ride. I love the first film, so was a bit concerned if they would be able to recapture that magic once again. What they did this time around is look to evolve the fun and zany aspect while taking it in a new direction as opposed to just rehashing more of the same stuff. This is both good and bad as the simplistic nature of the original is what made it work so well so some may not like the sci-fi element infused this time around.
I was on the fence initially as I watched it, but then realized that this is freakin wolfcop and had they played it safe it wouldn’t be the same. They have fully embraced the insanely silly nature of it all to create yet another fun chapter in the Wolfcop saga. There are some funny over the top cheese here that reminded me of the good things that come out of Troma and Full Moon, but with a way cooler premise and execution. The new sci-fi elements introduced are so goofy they worked for me and had me all in from the beginning. There are elements where it intentionally takes itself way more serious than it should which makes it all the more entertaining. There is one element involving a baby of sorts that had me rolling, but might lose some people if they can’t allow themselves to just have a great time with the ridiculous nature of it all.
The first film not only let the blood flow, but also offered up a sex scene that I wasn’t sure could be topped, but they surely did it in the best way possible. For all the new cheese brought to the table this round they made sure to get us the blood and gore the fans crave complete with a great transformation sequence early in the film. There is a moment late in the film as well where the blood, body parts and guts fly freely and fans will bask in the glory of it all. Some of the new creatures this time around are so over the top silly they reminded me of the old school creature features of the early 80s. Normally you might think it was just because of lack of budget or ability, but I firmly believe it was on purpose to make the film as fun and insane as possible.
I will admit that I do love the original a lot more but I think that comes from the originality and unexpected nature of it when it debuted. This latest chapter will not work for everyone and I guarantee they could care less. They made the film they wanted and if you are going to judge or expect anything more from a film titled Wolfcop then you are barking up the wrong genre anyway. Be sure to stay through the credits for a great extra scene and hope for the future of Wolfcop!
This release not only includes the film, but also bonus content including featurettes that take you behind bringing this crazy sequel to life. Grab your whiskey and prepare for the full moon when Another Wolfcop hits Digital, Blu-ray and DVD on July 3rd from RLJE Films.
For more information as well as get to get the original Wolfcop and swag head over to the official site at