Killing Hasselhoff review by Bobby Blakey

I was never a fan of Baywatch, but loved me some Knight Rider. Both of these shows were huge and cemented David Hasselhoff as a pop culture icon. This has led to many films or shows both good and bad using him as the brunt of a joke or just fun homage. Now a film has taken it to the next level with Killing Hasseloff starring Ken Jeong, Jim Jeffries, Rhys Darby, Jon Lovitz and of course David Hasselhoff, but does it offer up the expected laughs or will it be first to go in the death pool?
Killing Hasselhoff follows a man in a high stakes celebrity death pool who quickly loses everything - his business, his bank account, his home, his fiancé. He snaps, then realizes the only way to get his life back on track. He'll have to murder his own celebrity. He'll have to kill Hasselhoff. I knew going into this movie that it was going to be silly, but was hoping that it was something that would still deliver the laughs and I was pleasantly surprised. There isn’t anything here that is breaking the mold in the comedy genre, but thanks to some clever writing and an all ion Hassellhoff it managed to be really funny. Sure it is silly throughout, but I couldn’t help but have a good time.
Part of what makes it work is Hasselhoff himself. He is so funny throughout the film making some fun at himself through this fictional variation. His ongoing obsession of making a musical superhero film and the frustration of his manager played by Lovitz was so much fun to watch. Ken Jeong is actually toned down more than his usually craziness, but still offers up the laughs. The overall premise is ridiculous but that is why it offers up the fun laughs. The supporting cast do a good job with Rhys Darby having the most fun being quite literally insane from beginning to end.
This is one of those films that you will either have fun with or likely hate, but either way it is worth checking out for the sheer fun of it all. Besides the film it offers up some deleted scenes for more laughs so grab your copy of Killing Hasselhoff available now on DVD from Universal Home Entertainment.