Madness in the Method
review by Bobby Blakey

Ever since his genius debut in Clerks I have been following all things Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith. Now he is stepping behind the camera and into the director’s chair as well as star in the new film Madness in the Method with a great supporting cast including Vinnie Jones, Gina Carano, Jaime Camil, Kevin Smith, Danny Trejo, Stan Lee (in his last onscreen role), Teri Hatcher, Brian O'Halloran, and Dean Cain. Could this offer up the fun the trailer promises or should it have stayed silent?
Madness in the Method follows Jason Mewes, tired of Hollywood’s perception of him, embarks on a quest to reinvent himself as a serious actor. Upon advice from best friend Kevin Smith, Mewes tracks down a highly secretive method-acting book – with disastrous consequences. I have been a fan of Mewes like most since he was unleashed on us all in Clerks. Since then though I have also tried to keep up with his other work as well. It’s always an interesting story when an actor finds that iconic role that makes their career, but then also pigeon holes them into being typecast forever. While this film is an insane comedy, there had to be some bit of release of dealing with this craziness in the business.
I had a great time with this movie. Mewes has created a pretty fun movie that not only takes jabs at himself and his friends as well as the industry. This was the perfect project for Mewes who has no doubt had an interesting journey in the industry and I applaud him for bringing truth to this over the top tale as well. The supporting cast are all great with Kevin Smith playing his normal fun self and offering up some great banters as well as arguments between the two real life friends. Being a big of Gina Carano made it all the better to see her taking on a different kind of role and looking to have a great time.
Every person that shows up here brings some fun to a story that starts off pretty straight forward and turns pretty insane. This leads into a great twist ending that I thought was perfection and a great payoff to it all. This film had a tone similar to that of the View Askew Universe created by Smith, but clearly all Mewes. I am so happy to see him getting the chance to step behind the camera to bring his own vision to life and look forward to seeing what he comes up with next.