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review by Bobby Blakey


I am not always a big fan of remakes or reimagining of films, but if handled right then it can sometimes work. The latest Overboard looks to reimagine the 1987 Goldie Hawn / Kurt Russell comedy by not only updating it but doing some gender and race reversals. The new take features a good cast including Anna Faris, Eugenio Derbez, Eva Longoria, Mel Rodriguez, and John Hannah, but does it bring anything to the table to make it worth retelling this story or will it sink fast?


Overboard follows a spoiled, wealthy yacht owner who is thrown overboard and becomes the target of revenge from his mistreated employee. Before even getting into this film let me just say I am a huge fan of Derbez. He was hilarious in the short lived series Rob and his feature film Instructions Not Included is excellent. Having him here made want to give this film a chance right out of the gate. I am a fan of Faris as well with her current TV series Mom being excellent and she even comes across a bit like Hawn in this film, but do the two work well together? The easy answer is yes, with Derbez the biggest reason this film worked for me.


Obviously you have to get past the silly nature of the story and the actual crime being committed to enjoy it, but if you can do that you can have a good time. There isn’t anything new here and the story is a by the numbers, predictable execution, but there is still plenty to enjoy. One nice addition was an the inclusion of a line the referenced the original film as though it was a different story that had happened back in the 80s as opposed to this just being a remake of it. It was a nice nod and while it doesn’t fully separate the film from its predecessor it at least shows it some love.


There are plenty of laughs and heart here that while rolled up in an average comedy it is elevated thanks to Derbez and his comedic timing. Faris is toned down more so than her usual comedies here, but it is necessary for you to buy into it all. I honestly expected to struggle through this film, but found myself laughing out loud numerous times and enjoying it way more than I thought I would. It plays up as a duel language film as well with a large portion subtitled from Spanish, but offering some of the best parts.


Did we need another version of Overboard? Of course not and it does not do anything to best the original nor is it trying to. This is a simple comedy that delivers exactly what it sets out to and while often times plays it too safe and by the numbers still manages to entertain if you let it.


​In addition to the film this release features bonus content including commentaries and featurettes taking you behind bringing this new version to life. Climb aboard and grab your copy of Overboard available now on Blu-ray and DVD from Lionsgate Home Entertainment.

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