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Reign of the Supermen            review by Bobby Blakey

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DC continues to churn on some great animated features with some of them based on iconic properties including The Killing Joke and The Dark Knight Returns. Back in 2007 DC released the film Superman: Doomsday focusing on the famed story arc that including the death of Superman. More recently the released an all-new take on the story sticking closer to the source material with The Death of Superman. Much like the comic story this was just the beginning leading into the next feature Reign of the Supermen, but does it pack the needed punch and capture the story it’s based on or will it just be a bad imitation?


​Reign of the Supermen follows Earth’s citizens – and the Man of Steel’s heroic contemporaries – dealing with a world without Superman. But the aftermath of Superman’s death, and the subsequent disappearance of his body, leads to a new mystery – is Superman still alive? The question is further complicated when four new super-powered individuals – Steel, Cyborg Superman, Superboy and the Eradicator – emerge to proclaim themselves as the ultimate hero. In the end, only one will be able to proclaim himself the world’s true Superman. This next chapter of the Death of Superman had big shoes to fill as that first part knocked it out of the park, but they managed to keep the momentum alive and make yet another great film.


​The film picks up shortly after the first making it a true companion piece like it should be and wastes no time getting to the meat of it all. After we are introduced to the players it pretty much becomes a non-stop ride of action that is great fun to watch. There is a great four way fight that lets all the Supermen shine all while keeping the energy and fun intact without fully outshining each other. The voice cast all did a great job and the animation is on point as well. As with most of these there are some adjustments to the looks of them all, but they impressively kept them pretty accurate to the source material.


Filled with tons of action, fun and more Supermen than you could want Reign of the Supermen once again shows why DC reigns supreme in the animated feature genre. Stay through the credits to an after credit sequence clearly setting up for more fun in this ongoing animated universe that DC has created.


This new release will not only include the all-new animated film but also bonus content including a featurette, first look at the next feature “Justice League vs The Fatal Five” and classic episodes of Justice League and Superman from the DC Vault. Be there to witness their coming when Reign of the Supermen hits 4K Ultra, Blu-ray and DVD from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment.

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