Ride On
review by Bobby Blakey

There are few action stars as iconic as Jackie Chan. The man has literally put his life on the line to bring audiences some of the most incredible action to the big screen. His latest film Ride On looks to take some aspects of his real career to infuse into this new story. The film co-stars Kevin Guo, Wu Jing, Xing Yu, and Andy On from director Larry Yang, but could this film be another depth of fun to Chan’s legacy or will it ride off into the sunset and be forgotten?
Ride One follows washed-up aging stuntman Luo whose video of a dynamic duo’s daring escape goes viral on social media, immediately reviving Luo’s movie career after debt collectors attempt to seize the beloved stunt horse of. In the midst of this triumphant return to film, the furious debt collectors return with a court order that no amount of fame—or acrobatic antics—can help the pair evade.
I love all things Chan, but there have been a few that have come along more recently that just haven’t worked. Mostly due to the overly used CGI in some of them so was worried going into this one that it might fall into the too light hearted silly direction. Boy I was wrong. This film is filled with everything you can want from a Jackie Chan film from comedy to action to heart and everything in between.
The story is pretty simple and actually embraces lots of elements of Chan’s real life career complete with moments showing tapes of his old stunts and things that have gone wrong in them at times. The entire film is a love letter to both his insanely brilliant career, but also the stunt community as a whole. I honestly didn’t expect it to be so emotional, but it goes all in and really captures it all to perfection.
The emotional bond between Chan and this horse is engaging and you can’t help but cheer at every turn. It is very much like two people connecting, but somehow even deeper. Obviously, Chan has to carry a lot of the film, but this horse is all personality. It says so much with its eyes and mannerisms that you connect with it almost instantly. IF you don’t get emotionally invested with these two then you are just dead inside.
I loved this film and hope it finds the audience it deserves. Whether you like Chan or not this is a film that everyone should check out. For anyone wondering, yes there are behind the scenes bloopers and stunt stuff in the credits as should be.
In addition to the film this film offers up bonus content including trailer and featurettes. Grab your copy of Ride On when it hits Blu-ray and DVD on October 24th from Well Go USA.