The Belko Experiment
review by Bobby Blakey

There are movies that come along with a premise so crazy that it offers up the chance to really stand out. When the trailer for The Belko Experiment hit I was instantly interested and hoped for an insane ride, but missed it in theaters. Now it has come home, but does it live up to the promised insanity or is it an experiment not worth waiting for the results for?
The Belko Experiment follows the story of a group of 80 American employees who are tested in a twisted social experiment of bone-crunching horror! Belko Industries, a normally calm workplace, gets a rude awakening when a mysterious voice on the intercom orders them to participate in a ruthless game of kill or be killed in a blood-soaking battle royale at their office building in Bogotá, Colombia. As the terror escalates, so does the body count. Everyone is a competitor and everyday objects become deadly weapons. Let the corporate carnage commence! I was hoping for something really cool with this film and was not disappointed. The set-up is just enough to let you know where they are and what they are up to in relation to their personalities and relationships to get you to care just enough about them for the rest to be more effective. When the chaos begins it wastes no time letting the blood flow with awesome results.
The overall premise is pretty simple and thankfully they do not try to force it down your throat by watering it down to try and make it complicated. They have fully invested in the insanity of it all and it just being what it is and it works perfectly. The real underlining focus here is a look at human nature in all its forms both good and bad. While there wis a lot of discussion to what this film could really be trying to say it drowns the audience in blood in some great ways that will have some gore hounds smiling from ear to ear. As the characters become more fearful and begin to degrade into more savage versions of human nature the film is increasingly more violent. There was never a moment for me that I felt it didn’t work and continue to try and take it to the next level in the best most violent way possible.
The ending of the film was less impactful when all is revealed than I thought, but that came more from me expecting some crazed twist and I applaud Gunn for not trying to force something silly to meet this normal standard. Instead there is a simple moment that shows there is more to this experiment available to explore and I hope they do just that. In addition to the film, this release also includes bonus content including deleted scenes, gallery, and featurettes taking you further behind the making of this crazed film. Join the experiment with The Belko Experiment available now on Digital HD, Blu-ray and DVD from 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment.