The Legend of Tomiris review by Bobby Blakey

While mostly known for their Asian cinema Well Go USA has been stepping up their game even further as of late with so much more with films like Cut Throat City and Train to Busan: Presents Peninsula. Their latest film The Legend of Tomiris showcasing one of the first female Warlords starring Almira Tursyn, Adil Akhmetov, Yerkebulan Daiyrov, Berik Aitzhanov, Azamat Satybaldy, Aizhan Lighg and Ghassan Massoud. Could this film live up to the legacy of these warriors or will it fall before the battle can begin?
The Legend of Tomiris follows the story of the life of the great queen of the steppe – the legendary Tomiris, a woman destined to become a skillful warrior and strategist, unite the Scythian/Saka tribes under her authority, and slay the founder and first king of the Persian empire.
I wasn’t sure what to expect with this film, but the idea sounded promising. Right out the gate it lets you know that this is going to be epic and it does not disappoint. The story and overall tone of the film reminded me of Braveheart complete with a homage style moment before one of the big battles with Tomiris riding back and forth addressing her warriors. With that being said the film still stands on its own as an awesome story showing casing a group of people we don’t see enough about and a powerful woman who defies them all.
With these kinds of movies they can easily fall into the trap of trying to feel like they are forcing woman empowerment, but thankfully here this is just a powerful character that just happens to be a woman. The story directly addresses all these issues and shows how she rises to power and the believability to it all. I loved that as powerful and badass that she is they didn’t make her unstoppable and helps to make her more relatable, empowering and inspirational.
I really dug this movie and the lead played by Almira Tursyn is so good here. She brings a powerful presence to the role with plenty of emotion when needed. The direction and moments showcasing her life with her father were some of my favorite moments. He wanted a son, but when getting a daughter opted to make her a powerful woman instead of shunning her or treating her like a “girl”. It’s one of those powerful moments that showcases true strength and growth for the character that you want to follow throughout the film.
The rest of the cast are excellent too and bring so much to this layered story. I have no clue how much is historically accurate and it doesn’t even matter. The film is so emotional and intense that you get fully invested from the beginning until the credits roll.
Join the battle and grab your copy of The Legend of Tomiris available now on Blu-ray and DVD from Well Go USA.